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Developing processes with handlers for docx, xlsx files

RunaWFE Free Workflow System (BPMS) Version 4.5.0

© 2003 - 2015, Consulting Group Runa

© 2015 - 2025, "Process Technologies" Ltd, this document is available under GNU FDL license. RunaWFE Free is an open source system distributed under a LGPL license (

# Introduction

This guide demonstrates development and execution of processes with the following handlers

  • office.excel.handler.ExcelReadHandler
  • office.excel.handler.ExcelSaveHandler
  • office.doc.DocxHandler

They are used for docx, xlsx files handling.

This handlers configurations description can be found in Using handlers

Creating and running example process "officeExcel" with Excel handlers

Process scenario

This process is an example of Excel handlers usage. It reads data from the input file (via "Excel: Read data from" handler), then the data is presented to user in editable form. Next Excel handler "Excel: Save data to" saves the edited data into file using input template. Then process goes to "Download xlsx" and user can download the resultant .xlsx file.

Creating business process graph.

Let's use JPDL language to create officeExcel process. Draw the following business process graph by selecting and using "Start", "End", "Action-node", "Transition" elements from the palette:

DevExcel en1.png

Place action handlers on the transitions. Handlers class and configuration are set further on.

Creating variables and swimlanes

There is only one swimlane used in this process. In order to create it go to the "Swimlane" tab and click on "Create" button. Next type the swimlane name "Swimlane1" in the dialog:

En excel ex pic2.png

There's no initializer for this swimlane because it is used in the Start state and is initialized by the user who starts the process. This swimlane is used for all the rest nodes that require a set swimlane. To set a swimlane select the node and in its properties in the Swimlane/Value field choose "Swimlane1".

Next create variables. Go to the "Variables" tab and click on "Create" button. Type in the new variable name and select its format.

DevExcel en3 2.png

Variables description:
Variable Type Description
TableName String Table name
list1 List(String) The first column of the table
list2 List(Double) The second column of the table
list3 List(Long) The third column of the table
now Date with time Date and time of .xlsx file creation
ExcelFile File File variable for the created .xlsx file

See more detailed description of the variables further on.

Graphic form creation and variables validation

There are 2 forms in this process: one for "Edit table" task and another one for "Download Xlsx". Do the following to create them:

Right click on the action node and choose "Form" > "Create form" command.

DevExcel en4.png

We use «HTML form + freemarker tags» type

In “Edit table” node go to the “Code” tab, and create html:

En excel ex pic5.png

Then go to the "Design" tab:

En excel ex pic6.png

Place the following elements here:

  • Freemarker tag "Variable input" to input "TableName" variable.
  • Three Freemarker tags "EditLinkedLists" to fill/edit lists for the table creation

In “Variable name” field select “list1”, “list2”, “list3” respectively for each of the three tags, that are placed in cells “Name”, “Price”, “Count”.

The resultant form are the following:

En excel ex pic8 1.png

Next we create validation file and configure variables validation:

DevExcel en5.png

Use “Required field” validator:

En excel ex pic11.png

Similarly the form for "Download xlsx" is created. It is used to download the resultant .xlsx file with table.

The form looks like the following:

DevExcel en6 2.png

Freemarker tag “DisplayVariable” is used here, the "Variable name" field is set with “ExcelFile” variable

Action handlers configuration

The first handler is used to read data from Excel file.

Handler class is “Excel: Read data from”

DevExcel en7.png


En excel ex pic14 1.png

Input file is set as file path and contains the following data:

Sheet “Sheet0”

En excel ex pic15.png

The data is saved into “list1” (Page by number 1, first row 1, column 1, vertical array)

Sheet “Sheet1”

En excel ex pic16.png

The data is saved into “list2” (Page by number “Sheet1”, first column 2, row 2, horizontal array)

Sheet “Sheet2”

En excel ex pic17.png

The data is saved into the "TableName" variable (the one cell on page 3, column 2, row 4)

The second action handler defines the date and time of .xlsx file creation.

The handler class is ExecuteFormulaActionHandler,

DevExcel en8.png


En excel ex pic19.png

The "now" variable are initialized with the result of the “current_date_time()” function.

The third action handler is "Excel: Save data to" is used to save data to Excel file.

En excel ex pic20.png


En excel ex pic21 1.png

"Input file" set by template file name and path:

En excel ex pic22.png

"Output file" name is Report.xls, we use file variable of ExcelFile type;

The rest parameters are set according to data positions of the input template file.

So the action handler produces the Excel Report.xls file with table in the template filled with data from variables "TableName", "now", "list1", "list2", "list3";

Deploying and running the process

To deploy created process to the WFE Server use "Export process archive" with "Export to WFE server" option set.

After starting the process the Excel handler triggers and data from the input file is saved into variables.

En excel ex pic23.png

go to the task list:

En excel ex pic24.png

In “Edit table” task type the table name, edit the current data and fill in the third table column:

En excel ex pic25.png

If all data is set the action handler that saves data to Excel file Report.xls is triggerd and next task "Download Xls" is presented:

En excel ex pic26.png

Click on Report.xls link to download the file. The resultant file looks like the following:

En excel ex pic27.png

This file was created with the help of given handler configuration and input template file.

Process execution history:

En excel ex pic28.png

Creating and running example process officeDocx with Docx action handler

Process scenario

On the start form of the process user creates table, fills it in with data, types in its name. Then DocxHandler is triggered. It creates .docx file using input template file and then the style is applied to the table. Then a link to download the created file is generated.

Creating business process graph

We will use JPDL language for officeDocx process creation. Select "Start", "End", "Action node", "Transition" elements from the palette to draw the graph as following:

DevDocx en1.png

Place 2 action handlers on the transition to the action node. Handlers class and configuration will be set further on.

Creating variables and swimlanes

There is only one swimlane in this business process. Go to the Swimlane tab and click on the Create button. Type "Swimlane1" in the dialog:

En docx ex pic2.png

"Swimlane1" has no initializer because it is used in the Start state and is initialized by the user who starts the process. Also this swimlane is used in action node “Download Docx”. To set the swimlane select the node and in its properties in the Swimlane/Value select "Swimlane1".

To create variables go to the Variables tab and click on Create button. Type in the variable name and select its type in the dialog.

DevDocx en2 2.png

Variables description:
Variable Type Description
TableName String Table name
items List(String) The first column of the table
prices List(Double) The second column of the table
numbers List(Long) The third column of the table
dtnow Date with time Date/time of .docx file creation
FileReport File Result file variable

A more detailed variable description is further on.

Graphic forms creation and variables validation

Right-click on the Start node of the business process graph and select "Form" > "Create form":

DevDocx en3.png

We use the «HTML form + freemarker tags» form type

Let's create the following form:

En docx ex pic5 1.png

The following elements are placed on the form:

  • a Freemarker tag “InputVariable” for “TableName” variable;
  • three Freemarker tags “InputVariable” to fill lists with data for table creation;

The resultant form code:

En docx ex pic10 1.png

Then we create validation file and set the variables validation.

All the variables on this form must be set, so we use "Required field" validators.

En docx ex pic12 1.png

Similarly a form for “Download Docx” is created. It is used to download created .docx file with table.

The form looks like following:

En docx ex pic13 1.png

We use freemarker tag “DisplayVariable” here and set “FileReport” variable in the Name field of the configuration.

Handlers configuration

The first handler is used to define the date and time of the .docx file creation.

Handler class is ExecuteFormulaActionHandler,

DevDocx en4.png


En docx ex pic15 1.png

The “dtnow” variable will be initialized by the result of “current_date_time()” function

The second handler is “Docx handler”. It is used to save file in .docx format.

DevDocx en5.png


En docx ex pic17 1.png

Let's create input file (template) right in business process, see details in the next section.

As the output file we use file name Report.docx and file variable that will contain link to the created docx file.

Creating template

Let's create docx template file right in the business process.

Click "create" in handle configurator dialog in the "input file" section and form a template as the following:

En docx ex pic18 1.png


  • ${dtnow} will be replaced by the value from "dtnow" variable with the date and time of the .docx resultant file creation;
  • ${TableName} will be replaced by the value of TableName variable;
  • ${items},${prices},${numbers} are table columns;

Creating style

In order to create new table style in template open the corresponding menu by ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+S shortcut and select "Create style"

Then set the created style for the table.

The steps to create style differ depending on the office version and can be found in the office help.

Deploying and running the process

Deploy created process to the server with the help of "Export process archive" with the "Export to WFE server" option set.

When the process instance starts we get the following form.

Type the table name, table data and select template file:

En docx ex pic22 2.png

If all data is set the handler creates .docx file and the process control flow goes to "Download Docx" node:

En docx ex pic23.png

By clicking on Report.docx link you can download the created file:

En docx ex pic24 1.png

This file was created by the configuration set for the handler and "mystyle" style was applied afterwards.