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A universal guide for installation of RunaWFE distributives to Windows OS

RunaWFE Free Workflow System (BPMS) Version 4.5.0

© 2003 - 2015, Consulting Group Runa

© 2015 - 2025, "Process Technologies" Ltd, this document is available under GNU FDL license. RunaWFE Free is an open source system distributed under a LGPL license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).

# General information

Supported versions of MS Windows

Versions of the OS later than MS Windows 2000 are supported

Variants of RunaWFE distribution

Distributed in the form of an EXE program file or ISO images that may be recorded on a disc.


For a 32-bit operating system


For a 64-bit operating system



(universal image 4.4.1-, automatically defines the bitness of operating system)

For a 32-bit operating system installer-wildfly-java8_32.iso

For a 64-bit operating system installer-wildfly-java8_64.iso

Note. Since version 4.3.0, java 8 support and java 6 rejection are added.

1). installer-wildfly-java8_32.iso - a distributive for a 32-bit Windows with java8 support, uses WildFly Full 10.0.0.Final application server

2). installer-wildfly-java8_64.iso - a distributive for a 64-bit Windows with java8 support, uses Wilfdly Full 10.0.0.Final application server

3). installer-jboss-java7_32.iso - a distributive for a 32-bit Windows with java7 support, uses Jboss AS 7.1.1.Final application server

4). installer-jboss-java7_64.iso - a distributive for a 64-bit Windows with java7 support, uses Jboss AS 7.1.1.Final application server

# Preparations to installation

  1. Save the Path variable value
  2. Make a copy of the system variable "Path" just in case. To do that carry out the following actions depending on the version of your operating system. Windows 8 (8.1) 1). Open "Control panel" by means of one of the following methods
    • drag the mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen, click the "Search" icon and enter: control panel
    • press Win+x key combination and in the opened context menu select Control panel.
    2). In the panel select "System" - > Advanced 3). Select "Environment Variables" 4). In the "System Variables" menu find the PATH variable and highlight it. 5). Press “Change” 6). In the appeared window click the "Variable value" field 7). Select all the value. You can do this by means of Ctrl+A key combination or using the context menu point of the same name 8). Copy the selected text by means of Ctrl+c key combination or "Copy" point of the context menu 9). Save the copied value in a text file Windows 7 1). In the Start menu find the "Computer" entry 2). Call on the context menu of this entry (by right-clicking it) 3). Select the System Properties point 4). Select Advanced system settings 5). Go to "Advanced" tab) and select "Environment Variables", 6). In the "System Variables" section find the PATH variable, click it, then press "Change" 7). In the appeared window click in the "Variable value" field 8). Select all the value. You can do this by means of Ctrl+A key combination or using the context menu point of the same name 9). Copy the selected text by means of Ctrl+c key combination or "Copy" point of the context menu 10). Save the copied value in a text file Note. In case any problems with the PATH system variable occur, restore variable value, which was saved in the text file.
  3. java deinstallation
  4. Before RunaWFE installation it is necessary to uninstall java, including all the updates regardless of version and architecture. For example, WinInst en1.png You can see from the image that “Java SE Development Kit 7 Update 17”, “Java 7 Update 17”, “Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 Update 43” and “Java (TM) 6 Update 43” programs are installed to the system. It is necessary to uninstall all 4 versions.
  5. Current RunaWFE deinstallation
  6. If there is already a RunaWFE in the system (does not matter which version and architecture it is), you also need to uninstall this software For example, WinInst en2.png There is a RunaWFE 4.1.1 installed in this system. Launch its uninstallation, WinInst en3.png WinInst en4.png

# RunaWFE installation

Insert the disk into the CD-rom (if the distributive is on a CD) or launch RunaWFE-Installer.exe (if the distributive is in the form of a program file).

Press "Install", a message of an LGPL license will appear, which you have to accept by pressing "I accept".


If a warning appears, which says that another version of RunaWFE is installed in the system, that means you did not follow point 2 of the "Preparations to installation" section of this very guide.

Press "NO", close the installer and go back to the "Preparations to installation" section.

If the situation described above does not occur, a selection form appears, which asks you whether the client or the server components of RunaWFE should be installed.

Select "Install RunaWFE client applications" and press "Next".

You should check all the client components.

Use the installation folder offered by default, press "Next".

It is necessary to check the boxes in front of "Remove old server simulator database and set up a new database (with demo processes)" and "Remove old (remained after previous installations) demo processes and set up new ones"

Press “Next”, then press "Next" again.

On the form that comes after you will see a message about the necessity of JDK installation. Press "Install".

A java installer will open,

Install java using the parameters offered by default.

WinInst en5.png

WinInst en6.png

WinInst en7.png

Press Close to finish java installation and go back to the RunaWFE installer.

WinInst en8.png

If a system variable "JAVA_HOME" is wrong or missing, you will be offered to install it.

Press "Install".

Press "Done" when the installation of RunaWFE is finished.

# Changing the port used by RunaWFE

By default RunaWFE uses port 8080, however this port may be occupied by third-party or system software. In this case you will have to redefine it.

To do that go through the following steps:

    • Open "My Computer" and go to the folder with the installed RunaWFE. By default the program is installed in
  1. C:\Program Files\RunaWFE\ Note. If your OS is 64-bit, RunaWFE is installed in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\RunaWFE\
  2. Go to the folder
  3. ..\RunaWFE\Simulation\standalone\configuration\
  4. Open the file Standalone.xml in Notepad text editor
  5. Warning, this file is a RunaWFE basic settings file, so it is recommended to save its copy before editing it.
  6. Press Ctrl+F key combination and search "8080"
  7. Change port="8080" into port="28080"
  8. Save the changes
  9. Note. The new parameters will be applied only after server restart.

# Installed software check

Start RunaWFE simulator. You can do this, for instance, by means of the Start / Programs / RunaWFE / Start Simulation command, or by means of the corresponding desktop shortcut

WinInst en9.png

After the launch of the simulator a console window will appear. The lines «…JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" started in …» «…INFO [org.jboss.as.server] … Deployed "runawfe.ear" mean that the simulator is successfully launched.

Open a web-interface at the following URL:


Note. If the port was changed, than the web-interface will be available at the similar link but with another port number. For example, http://localhost:28080/wfe - port 28080 is used here

A user login and password entry page should open.

WinInst en10.png

Launch Developer Studio by means of “Process Designer” desktop shortcut,

WinInst en11.png

If a window of the following form appears

WinInst en12.png

that means the installation of the Developer Studio (process designer) was done properly.

If any problems occur after the launch of simulator or developer studio, close the programs and repeat the installation, starting from the very first step "Preparations to installation".