RunaWFE Free Workflow System (BPMS) Version 4.5.0
© 2003 - 2015, Consulting Group Runa
© 2015 - 2025, "Process Technologies" Ltd, this document is available under GNU FDL license. RunaWFE Free is an open source system distributed under a LGPL license (
# Last version
# version 4.4.1
General functionality:
- Internal storage of business objects is implemented
- Chat of participants of a business process instance is implemented
- Commands for working with signals have been added to WS API
- Validation of default values have been added
- The ability to validate parameters of subprocesses and multi-subprocesses at startup have been added
RunaWFE Free Server:
- Sending a signal from the web interface is implemented
- The ability to disable the use of rights to object categories added to the settings
- The rights to reports have been added
- The ability to compare versions of business processes in the web interface have been added
Graphic Designer:
- The contextual palette of graphic designer elements has been is expanded.
- Configuration of script tasks and bots "Word: Generating a DOCX document" is simplified.
- Configuration of SQL handler is simplified.
- The possibility of uninterrupted occurrence of events is implemented.
- Filter by the name of the business process when importing from the server have been added.
- Options for configuring the task-notifier through the graphical interface is expanded.
# version 4.4.0
Released: XX March 2019
- Docx handler bug fix (; added table cells vertical merge support
- Global roles added to Developer Studio
- Datasources added to Developer Studio
- Refactored authorization subsystem (use one-to-one between SecuredObjectType and class hierarchy, Permission.UPDATE, ProcessPermission.DELETE_PROCESS, delete view group permission and more)
- Developer Studio MacOS build support
- Developer Studio regulations algorithm changed
- Developer Studio install and update capability added
- Developer Studio joint form editor (with validation and script)
- Statistics improved, javamelody update
- Report handler added
- BPMN: signal on signal capability
- Ability to restore cancelled process instance
# version 4.3.0
Released: 14 August 2018
- Cache improved
- User-defined type variables were refactored (VariableUserType - > UserType, ComplexVariable - > UserTypeMap)
- Refactoring of the component forms (FreemarkerTag -> FormComponent) performed
- Reporting subsystem added
- Common profiles mechanism implemented
- The ability to use variables in read mode from another business process extended
- Work with temporary groups changed
- Ability to pause business process added
- The ability to manage transaction boundaries when running business processes added
- The ability to set conditions on Groovy for Multi-Task item added
- Extending freemarker added
- Ability to define a form script at the business process level (form.js) added
- API method for obtaining the timer process ExecutionService.getProcessJobs added
- The ability to delete the process definition version if the number of running processes on it is 0 added
- Configure for hung tasks bots detection added
- Added value of a selected transition in the global configuration of the validator
- Added a handler to set the date-time in another process
- Implemented a mechanism to transfer the task execution time and the timer in case of changing the value of the base variable
- Added support for Java 8 and Wildfly10
- Improved the mode shapes in multiple Windows of the browser (in connection with FormComponentSubmissionHandler, FormComponentSubmissionPostProcessor)
- Added the ability to change the role by administrator
- Type 'Formatted text' Added
- Tasks filter settings extended
- Process filter settings extended
- Fixed memory leak in form editor
- Signals implemented
- "Not interrupting" timers and signals implemented
- Gantt diagramm improved
- The possibility to change default value of the BPMN elements size added
- Support for bigdecimal added
- "Compact view" option for subprocess added
- The possibility of name declination based on the file added
- Added API for loading state of process variables on the specified date
- Implemented delayed substitution cache
- Added new user attributes: Department and Position (requires system restart)
- LDAP subsystem rebuilded
- Implemented the command to execute the SQL from the form
- Implemented view tasks of other users
- Added the handler in BPMN processes
- Added multiple task delegation
- The Designer is transferred to Java 8 at the platform eclipse-oxygen (4.7), - improved support for linux, mac
- Added the ability to customize node colors in BPMN notation in the Designer
- Added support for variable storage type as an array of bytes, not stored in the database (available in the transaction)
- The text schedule generation improved in the Designer
- Added support for categories in the Designer when importing business processes from the server
- Added a command to switch all incomplete instances to the new version
- The query configuration handler made multi-line SQL editor
- Password in the connection settings with the server is hidden
- Bugfix: in the handler, Groovy monitored not all situations are the changes in variables
- Added the ability to hide menus in the web interface
- "Select from list" and "Select from group members" form components has been changed
- Possibility of business process diagram export added to the Designer
- Fixed problems with drawing routes of control points on the process graph
- Added components for entering and displaying a list of user variables
- Implemented transactional composition with the special bots behavior
- added color to tasks transitions
# version 4.2.2
Released:"'20 January 2016"'
- Building a list of tasks bug fixed.
- Added the ability to perform special tasks by the administrator
- A new criterion of substitution added
- Storage variables of type List changed from BLOB to component model
- Ability to access BP variables from form script added
- Ability to use variables in read mode from another business process added
- Ability to configure handlers, called on completion of business process added
- Add a handler to merge DOCX files
- Access to variables and roles now is possible by the script name
- Added ability to update business process definition of any version (to fix errors)
- Added the ability to update the version of the business process instance to any of the existing ones
- Added page with view versions of BP definition of the statistics of the instances of BP
- DOCX handler can call code now
- The default settings for the palette elements are set in the DevStudio settings
- TaskService API created
# Version 4.2.1
Released: 24 September 2015
- BPMN: Multitask added
- cache errors fixed
# Version 4.2.0
Released on 29 June 2015
- Added form components for variables of list of user types
- Email handler syntax has been extended
- Bot station autostart mode introduced (on system startup)
- Form editor components UI improved
- BPMN editor Undo - Redo now supported (partly)
- Added dynamic settings through web-interface and windows-installer
- Added task delegation feature
- DOCX to PDF handler feature added. test mode
- ExecutionContext now available in groovy handler code
- User type support improved
- LDAP authentication fixed
- Extended process audit in raw tables (disabled by default)
- Excel support improved
- Sequentical execution mode added to bot tasks
- Added form components: Choose string from list, Choose relation name
- Jboss4 support has been finished
- CKeditor4 set as default in form editor
- Email transactional and guaranteed delivery for email sending handler
- Auto-invocation of bot tstation on bot task assignment
- Form editor components images now generated dynamically and can contain parameter info
- Form editor components can be disabled by other plugin
- File variable external storage added
- Added ability to upgrade process definition to next version
- Added ability to remove finished process from system
- New formula function: random
- Added ability to load multiple files in bot station
- Added trusted authentication
- Added ability to use transition name in validators
- Added ability to get new and old variable values in validators
- Added ability to import and export projects from file system
# Version 4.1.2
Released on 29 Jule 2014
- Bot task now can contain additional binary file which can be used by handlers at its discretion (docx handler uses it as a document template)
- BPMN2: display swimlane and name in start event
- BPMN2: display name in end event
- Added form treeview support
- Added autocomplete from SQL query
- Added ability to configure Mozilla browser in form editor under Windows
- Added process definitions multiple upload
- CKeditor (version 3) has been removed from form editor
- Form editor (CKeditor4): added ability to use tabs in forms
- Added tooltips for variable of (Executor, Group, Actor) types
- Regulations auto-generation based on graph
- C++ tasks notifier: added login/password auth
- Added ability to change process variables
- BPMN: added Copy/Paste
- Added InputVariable and DisplayVariable support for variables of type "Map"
# Version 4.1.1
Released on 21 April 2014
- almost all entities now have CREATE_DATE column in database
- changed message handling to multithreaded architecture
- forms are now able to edit and display complex variables
- moved timers from Spring to EJB transaction management (due to bug with Hibernate current session in nested transactions).
- escalation configuration can use relations
- Developer Studio (gpd) maven build based on Tycho
- MultiSubProcess discriminator refactored
- MultiTask discriminator can be group or relation now
# Version 4.1.0
Released on 9 February 2014
- added function IsExecutorInGroup() to FormulaActionHandler
- fixed bug with history record type when completing task by substitution
- added SelectFromList tag, MultipleSelectFromList tag
- GPD: server connector changed to by default
- add new element "Embedded Subprocess"
- added process definition property AccessType = { Process | OnlySubprocess }
- added new form type "quick" based on templates
- highlight completed multi process instances on parent process graph
- added process graph context history, configurable
- GPD: added ability to copy forms
- added handler for asynchronous tasks cancellation
- added handler for expending groups (conversion from List(Executor) to List(Actor))
- Added file input ajax tag, configurable
- GPD: added form CSS templates
- new feature: import and export whole system configuration (except process instances)
- added user defined variables
- added new variable format ProcessIdFormat for process reference
- added form editor option: CKeditor to 4.3.1
- added process permission handler
# Version 4.0.6
Released on 10 October 2013
- fixed error about marking task as read in case of multiple executors
- wfe-alfresco project moved to proxies for referenced properties and associations
- Business calendar refactoring
- improved "strict-mode" in Word bot
- process definition can embed template for docx and xlsx handlers
- process errors: ability to download required files for technical support
- added TestNG tests
- tasks notifier build ported to maven
- tasks notifier uses WebServices API (so added jboss7 support)
- extended syntax for Docx handler template document ()
- changes in bot subsystem: ParamBasedVariableProvider for extended tasks; removed CDATA for XML configs
- extended Docx templates syntax: improved tables, added loops, ability to use maps
# Version 4.0.5
Released on 12 August 2013
- added performance log category for long running service operations
- WebServices API change: variable methods moved to ru.runa.wfe.service.decl.ExecutionServiceRemoteWS
- bot subsystem: formal parameters can be defined in configuration as param:parameterName
- now container types "List" and "Map" are typed
- added tag "Edit linked lists"
- web: display user status despite of UPDATE_STATUS permission
- added ajax command framework for advanced forms
- web: unified required fields in system
- relations: added adminscript operations, tags, handlers
- API change: added ru.runa.wfe.service.ExecutionService.updateVariables(User, Long, Map<String, Object>)
- add READ_LOG permission
- added variables strong typing
- unified tag for forms
# Version 4.0.4
Released on 21 June 2013
- added extension mechanism (without runawfe.ear change)
- actualized public API javadocs
- added xss filter
- BPMN: element "ScriptTask" aligned with spec
- synchronization with LDAP
- added maven build profile for jboss7
- variable and swimlane names restrictions removed
- added asynchronous task completion mode
- WebServices API improvement for variables
- API change: added ru.runa.wfe.service.ScriptingService.executeGroovyScript(User, String)
- fixed error with encoding in process editor
# Version 4.0.3
Released on 24 May 2013
- javamelody included in distributive by default
- JPDL: added element "Junction"
- BrowserFunction used for visual form editor
# Version 4.0.2
Released on 30 April 2013
- fixed error when creating relation
- timeout transition can have arbitrarily name [1]
- ported integration tests from version 3
- BPMN: element "End token" aligned with specification
# Version 4.0.1
Released on 4 April 2013
- added proxies for file variables
- added search by string value for variables of any type
- added TTL for messages used in "SendMessage" and "ReceiveMessage" elements
- AjaxFreemarkerTag: added JSON support
- process errors: view stack traces in web interface
- ajaxified batch presentation filters
- JavaScript handlers added
- added grouping by subprocesses in processes list
- performance improved in authorization subsystem (additional indexes)
- BPM_TASK now contains only active tasks
# Version 4.0.0
Released on March 2013
Version 3 was deep refactored.
The most significant changes:
- core engine code changed (former jbpm3), DB structure simplified
- moved to Spring framework
- added support for executable BPMN
- added support for Jboss7
- build moved from ant to maven
- process editor moved from Eclipse 3.4 to Eclipse 3.7
- moved from BSH to Groovy
- Java API moved from EJB2 to EJB3
- WebServices API is synchronized with Java API