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Task Notifier user guide

RunaWFE Free Workflow System (BPMS) Version 4.5.0

© 2003 - 2015, Consulting Group Runa

© 2015 - 2024, "Process Technologies" Ltd, this document is available under GNU FDL license. RunaWFE Free is an open source system distributed under a LGPL license (

Task Notifier icon

Once the Task Notifier program is started, TaskNotifier User guide ris1.png icon appears in the right bottom part of the screen, if there are no tasks for the user in the Workflow system. If there are tasks for the user in the Workflow system, an TaskNotifier User guide ris2.png icon appears in the right bottom part of the screen:

TaskNotifier User guide ris3.png TaskNotifier User guide ris4.png

Note 1. In Windows OS, it is convenient to place Task Notifier into the Startup menu. Task Notifier will then be started automatically when your system starts.

Note 2. If Task Notifier is configured for username and password authentication, a dialog box to enter username and password will be displayed at start time.

If the username and password are entered correctly, a TaskNotifier User guide ris1.png or TaskNotifier User guide ris2.png icon appears in the right bottom corner of the screen after you click “Login Into System”. If an invalid user name or password is provided, a TaskNotifier User guide ris8.png icon appears in the right bottom corner of the screen.

Task notification

If there are new tasks for the user, a notification message appears in the right bottom corner of the screen.

TaskNotifier User guide ris9.png

Task Notifier interface

Double clicking the icon or notification message will call the application with the graphical interface of RUNA WFE client.

TaskNotifier User guide ris10.jpg

How to work with this interface is described in the document "WFE Server user guide"